never a jw
JoinedPosts by never a jw
In love with a JW girl
by rastapau inneed advise.
i was in a relation with a jw girl for almost three years(im am not jw) and we are so inlove with each other until someone saw us from her congregation and she was disfellowed and that where the oddness happened.
her family and friends are not talking to her anymore, she wants me to stop seeing and talking to her anymore not until i became a baptized jw.
never a jw
Your relationship is not exactly one where open communication reigns. You two seem to be quite willing to use each other. You belong together and you two belong to the Watchtower. Ignore everything that has been said before. Doesn't apply to you. -
In love with a JW girl
by rastapau inneed advise.
i was in a relation with a jw girl for almost three years(im am not jw) and we are so inlove with each other until someone saw us from her congregation and she was disfellowed and that where the oddness happened.
her family and friends are not talking to her anymore, she wants me to stop seeing and talking to her anymore not until i became a baptized jw.
never a jw
I married a JW 22 years ago. She is a good woman who, before marriage accepted that I would never be a JW. She was reproved. Her large JW family did not attend the wedding. The elders later apologized for the harsh treatment. Life is good now, but it could be better and easier. I still struggle to remove the indoctrination from my two children. Things get better slowly, but I could have used my time better.
in your case, your girlfriend is caving in to the religion, and that in turn means that you have to cave in too. Not good sir!
In love with a JW girl
by rastapau inneed advise.
i was in a relation with a jw girl for almost three years(im am not jw) and we are so inlove with each other until someone saw us from her congregation and she was disfellowed and that where the oddness happened.
her family and friends are not talking to her anymore, she wants me to stop seeing and talking to her anymore not until i became a baptized jw.
never a jw
You ain't seen nothing yet. RUN, run, run as fast as you can. She is and will always be more loyal to her religious leaders than she will ever be to you. Even if those religious leaders lied, manipulated, exploited, abused the members and protected pedophiles more than children....wait...they have done all that already. Anyways, the loyalty to you will always be second to her loyalty to her religious leaders.
Find healthy people. There's plenty out there. The only mentally healthy people inside the religion are psychologically coerced to be there..
Dealing with family
by G Skero ini'm in my mid 40's and recently started bible study and going to meetings.
my family is really having a hard time with this.
my kids that are over 18 are no longer speaking to me and won't have anything to do with me.
never a jw
Run as fast as you can, or you may want to delay the running just a bit by doing some research on the Watchtower..
I have never been a JW, but I have been married to one for 22 years. For about 18 of those years I thought it was a great religion, but my whole perspective took a 180 after few days of research four years ago. The outer appearance of the religion looks good. That's what impressed me at first, even fooled me for 18 years. Anyone can be fooled when so many wonderful friendly people treat you as if you are special. The problem is not those obedient people who have been programmed to be nice to you in order to emotionally attract you and blind you about the bad part of the Watchtower. Do you research. You may conclude as I have done that it is a cult and a business that exploits, kills, abuses, robs people of their money, time and dreams. Start at
Racial Bias in Policing
by Coded Logic inthe us justice department just released findings from their investigation of the baltimore police department.
as 40% of the force is comprised of black officers some thought they'd be "immune" to racial bias.
it turns out black cops can be just as racist - if not more racist - against black people than white cops.
never a jw
Thank you coded logic. My apologies. I see clearly what you meant.
It is however a strange form. It reads more like a description of a specific trespassing case and not as a general form..
Racial Bias in Policing
by Coded Logic inthe us justice department just released findings from their investigation of the baltimore police department.
as 40% of the force is comprised of black officers some thought they'd be "immune" to racial bias.
it turns out black cops can be just as racist - if not more racist - against black people than white cops.
never a jw
Rather, the words “black male” are automatically included in the description of the arrest. The supervisor’s template thus other presumes that individuals arrested for trespassing will be African American.
Can you explain? What difference does it make if the race has a specific place for it or is part of the general description. The fact that they write black male, implies that there is other possible gender/races.
Can you post a copy of that form and clarify your point?
Some food for thought:
Have you noticed that most police reports are written with black ink on white paper? Perhaps the coverage by black ink (usually about 5% of the total page) represents the inferiority of black.
Also, why are police cars painted black and white? Why not all grey, thus indicating the peaceful coexistence of black and white?
NOTE: there is sarcasm somewhere in this comment
Racial Bias in Policing
by Coded Logic inthe us justice department just released findings from their investigation of the baltimore police department.
as 40% of the force is comprised of black officers some thought they'd be "immune" to racial bias.
it turns out black cops can be just as racist - if not more racist - against black people than white cops.
never a jw
Who's voices should win?
Exactly. Those are the choices for people living in crime ridden areas. Who do you prefer, tough police or tough thugs?
My vote would go for tough police. Crime goes down, innocent people are safer, and accountability is more likely. Not so with thugs.
American democracy in crisis
by slimboyfat inokay cut to the chase.
the united states has got a problem.
hillary clinton is so unpopular that practically any republican who ran against her would probably have beaten her.
never a jw
5 hours ago
Blacks engage in crimes out of proportion to the rest of the general population simply because of poverty. Poverty breeds crime and you would have the same pattern in impoverished white communities.
Rich and middle class people engage in white collar crime. It's not poverty as much as the absence of strong moral values. And why does it happen? because at least one parent is commonly missing and education is not encouraged. And why is that? I think It can be rooted in the wholesale racism practiced until few generations ago by people who can't be faulted because they didn't know better; they grew up in an environment where racism and slavery were widely accepted. It's not our generation's fault either; we are far removed from slavery times. Obviously is not black people's fault either. It's nobody's fault, but it's everyone's problem. Tough! very tough when we can't point the finger at someone. Yet, it's everyone's responsibility to fix it.
Sun,moon, earth and mathematics .
by atomant injust thought id let you all in on some info i found on
that magical moment where the moon blocks out the sun!
but only just enough to perfectly cover the suns disc, whilst still allowing us to see the corona of light and other electromagnetic forces radiating from it.. this only happens because the moon diameter is exactly 1/400th the size of the suns and is positioned at exactly 1/400th of the distance between earth and the sun!so, when we see it from the surface of earth, we are in the only place this can ever be seen, at the only time it could ever happen.
never a jw
Funny, -- Uranus, my baby, pride and joy, is double the distance from Saturn,compared to Jupiter, and that spacing is double from Jupiter, and that double from Ceres, and that double from Mars, and that double from Earth, and that double from Venus,
Without knowing the values of those distances I have to object to that assertion. The only way you can maintain those ratios to be true all the time you would need concentric circular orbits and identical duration of their rotation around the sun. But none of this is true. Please explain.
I do believe there is something wonderful about life and the universe, but the way you view things is more analogous to numerology than it is to reality or science.
Reasons To Believe (Dr. Hugh Ross)
by stevieb1 inis everyone familiar with dr. hugh ross and his organization reasons to believe?
i have learned much from this ministry.. hugh ross is a trained scientist and pastor who specialises in marrying the bible with science (both of which are records of truth).
he has an msc and phd in astronomy and was a post-doctoral fellow with the california institute of technology.
never a jw
believes in the inerrancy of scripture
Right there I lost my interest. I thought this thread was about the God that is in harmony with science... The God interpreted by people living in antiquity belongs there, in antiquity.